Jaime in the Morning

Jaime in the Morning

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Social Dilemma: My 48 y.o. Husband to Still Wears His High School Jacket!!

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma is about reliving your high school glories. Here's the email: Hey Jaime. I need help with someone, and I want to vent and ask the other listeners out there if their husbands still talk about how great of an athlete they were in high school? My husband is 48 years old and still wears his high school varsity jacket at least once a week. He was varsity in football and wrestling and still talks about how he won the league championship in his senior year. We didn’t go to high school together so I’m not that impressed. He wears the jacket to the high school homecoming game every year and likes to wear it around my 15-year-old daughter’s friends like it impresses them or something. He’s embarrassing himself and me for that matter and I don’t know how to tell him. The other problem is he has three friends that are just like him and they all still have and wear their varsity jackets. Will he ever grow out of this or am I stuck with a husband who can’t get over himself from high school? Shouldn't he just give it up? Thanks for the help ~ Shawna While I have no desire to relive my high school years (though I did have fun), if it makes Shawna's husband happy to wear his jacket, I say leave him alone. I mean, I wish he had things that were more recent that made him feel that good, but if that's what does it for him, I don't think it's a big deal. What about you? Let's help Shawna out and let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

Retro 50's Couple Standing Near Old Car And Diner

Photo: LifeJourneys / E+ / Getty Images

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