The Movie "A Quiet Place" is Getting A Sequel!

Wow, sometimes it takes a while to find out if a movie is going to get a sequel or not, but not this time.  The movie, A Quiet Place, which is still doing gangbusters at the box office is already set for a sequel.  Paramount Pictures announced yesterday that they've already gotten with John Krasinski who wrote, directed and starred in the movie and he's on board for part two.  No word on when they're looking to get it out to the public, but my guess would be within two to three years.  I just loved this movie, but I'm not sure there should be a sequel.  As much as I want more, sometimes I believe the story should just be the story and that's it.  So I'm hoping the sequel is fantastic, but I'm not sure I want it.  What about you?  Let me know on the 98-3 TRY Facebook page.

A Quiet Place

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