Social Dilemma-Do You Ask Permission From Your Spouse to Do Certain Things?

So today's social dilemma came about when a group of us at work were talking about getting together on a Friday night.  There were about nine of us talking about going out to eat.   I said I would love to go but would have to check with my sweetie first.  Three or four other people said the same thing.  Both men and women who said they wanted to check with their wives or husbands to make sure it was okay to do this.  Well, the other people in the group started mocking us mercilessly, saying things like, are you married to  your mom or dad?  You're an adult, why are you asking permission to do anything?  Why can't you just do what you want, etc.?  Now I am an adult as are my buddies who feel the same way, and I can do what I want, but when you are committed to someone, it's only right to check in with them when you're making plans, especially on a Friday night, which is usually a night that couples share with one another.   We don't check in with each other for small things, but for bigger things, like going out with others on a weekend night, or inviting someone to stay with us, or buying something that is over $200, things like that.  I think it's only fair to check in with your sweetie or your spouse on those kinds of things.   So what about you?  Are you more like me checking in, or are you more like my other coworkers who don't ever ask permission, and just go about their lives making their own decisions without checking with their spouse.  Let me know what you think on the 98-3 TRY Facebook page.

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