Social Dilemma-How Often Do You Wash Your Bath Towel?

Today's social dilemma came from a conversation a bunch of us had in the lunchroom yesterday because of a new study I had read that was about bath towels . The study was all about how many times you should use your bath towels before you wash them.  I have always used the two shower rule. I wash my towels after every two showers. That's why I have several sets of bath towels. Some coworkers said they use them for five showers before they wash them.  However, another coworker said that we should be washing our bath towels after every single shower. She went on and on about dead skin cells that get on the towels and that's why they should be washed after every shower. But this new study that came out said that the magic number is THREE, that's the maximum number of showers you should use the same towel for. Experts say that bacteria and mold start growing each time a towel gets damp. Hanging it up to dry slows the process down, but once you've used the same towel three times, it hits a tipping point and after that, you're basically rubbing bacteria and mold all over yourself. But you MUST hang up the towel immediately. Washcloths are different though, because we don't just use them to dry off. When a towel gets soaked, it takes a lot longer to dry. Which gives mold and bacteria more time to grow. So washcloths should really only be used once. Despite the survey, I will continue with my two shower rule, but what about you? Will you wash after every shower? Will this study change what you usually do? Will you ignore this and still use your towel for more than three times? Let me know what you think on the 98-3 TRY Facebook page!

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