Social Dilemma-How Do You Ask For Money That Is Owed To You?

Today's social dilemma is something I've dealt with myself so I'm really looking forward to hearing what you have to say about it. The email came from Jessica. Hi Jaime, I need a little advice from you or your listeners. I loaned a very good friend $1,000 a few weeks ago because he said he was in credit card trouble. I didn't hesitate since he's a good friend and of course, wanted to help. But then just this week, he announced that he bought a new big screen TV to watch the SuperBowl on! What? Hello? I thought he was broke? And he still hasn't mentioned anything about paying me back. My husband tells me I should relax about it because love trumps all and he's a friend...But it's eating away at me and feel like I need to ask for an explanation....I don't want to ruin an old friendship tho. What do you think? Should I ask for the money back, or at least some information, or should I just leave it alone and hope for the best? Thanks Jaime, I look forward to hearing what you and your listeners think. Love listening every morning ~ Jessica. Well, this is a tough one because I've been in this situation. I've loaned friends money and then they've gone out and spent on things that were not necessities. And it ate away at me. I even lost one friendship because of it. Here's my take. When you loan someone money, you have to expect that you'll never get it back. If you can't handle that, then don't loan the money. Then if it comes back to you, it's a pleasant surprise. Money isn't worth losing a friendship over. And it just may mean you never let him borrow cash again. That's my take, but I know that other people feel differently. So I want to know what you think and how you would handle this. Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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