Social Dilemma-How Would You Have Handled This Waitress?

Today's social dilemma happened to me over the weekend, and I wanted to bring it up because I know we've talked about going out to eat and having a waitress/waiter not be attentive enough, but I had the opposite situation happen. We have some very close friends that live in Binghamton who we don't get to see very often. Every three or four months, when we can find a Saturday that we're all free, we meet up in Oneonta, which is almost halfway between Albany and Binghamton. There's a little Italian restaurant that we go to there that's never very busy, and we eat and ultimately hang out there for about three hours. We always leave a BIG tip because we know that we're taking up the table, even though it's never so busy that there aren't other tables available. Anyway, when we get together there because we only see each other a few times a year, we always have some very serious conversations because we cover everything that's been going on in our lives for the past three months. So we ordered our food and ate and our waitress kept coming over to see how we were doing. It was nice at first. But then she started joining in on our conversation. We explained our situation to her and she jumped on it. She finally left but kept coming over every ten minutes to "check in" and jump into our conversation. We made sure we told her we would leave a big tip so not to worry. She said she wasn't worried at all and loved having us there. And she would come over every ten minutes jump in on the convo for five minutes or so and then leave. This happened all afternoon. None of us wanted to be rude but it was crazy. She was being rude we thought trying to get in on our talk. We would just be getting into something serious and she would pop up. So what would you have done in that situation? Would you have said something, or just left it alone like we did. Please let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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