Does Losing An Hour for Daylight Savings Ruin Your Entire Sunday?

Today's social dilemma came from an email from Maureen. I found it interesting because I feel the same way. Here's what she wrote. Hi Jamie, just a quick social dilemma for you. Every year my whole body gets thrown off by changing the clocks to daylight savings time. I know it's only an hour but I feel like my whole Sunday and the first part of the week is completely off. My husband says I'm over exaggerating but I'm not. I feel so exhausted on Sunday and even through the beginning of the week. He swears it's all in my head because it doesn't bother him at all. Jamie, if you could ask this as a social dilemma so I can prove my husband wrong, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks! Well, anything we can do to prove your husband wrong..LOL. In truth, it does throw me off. I would say it takes me a good three or four days to get back on track. It's not only the time change but the darkness in the morning and with it staying lighter out at night, it all takes adjustment. So I'm with you Maureen. What do you think? Do you agree with Maureen or do you think her husband is right? Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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