Social Dilemma-Will You Answer a Ringing Cell Phone With No Owner Around?

Today's social dilemma happened to me on Friday afternoon. I was at my tax person's office, waiting to meet with her, so I was sitting in the waiting room. I was the only person in the waiting room at that point. There was however, a pocketbook, on one of the chairs about four over from me. So I'm sitting there, and the phone in that purse starts ringing. Now no one else is around, not even a receptionist because my tax person doesn't have one, she handles everything herself. I had been sitting there for about ten minutes, so I knew no one had just gotten up for a minute and left it there. So would you have gone through the purse and answered the phone, or just left it alone? It kept ringing so I thought the person who left it behind was trying to figure out where she had left it. I didn't know if I should answer it or not. I kept thinking I should have answered it, but I also thought I don't want someone to think I'm going through someone's purse to take something. But no one was around and I'm thinking, am I getting punked or something. Anyway, Ultimately I reached into the purse and answered the phone and it was the woman who left it behind and she was so glad I answered. But everyone I told the story to said they NEVER would have done that. So what would you have done in that situation? Do you go through the purse and answer the phone? Or would you have just left it alone? Let me know what you think on the TRY Facebook page.

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