Social Dilemma-Is It Wrong To Keep Eating Free Samples at A Store?

Today's social dilemma comes from an email I received from Bill. I thought it was pretty funny, and interesting too, Here's what he wrote: Hi Jaime. My wife and I listen to your social dilemma every day on the way to work. We have one of our own that we continually argue about. We always do our food shopping together. We go to different supermarkets and we also go to Sams Club and BJ's. Well, they always have free sample booths set up around the food area of the stores. My wife will stay at or near the free sample booths and continually take and eat the free samples. She could stay there all day and eat free samples if I didn't pull her away. I see the people who are handing out the samples getting annoyed but most of the time they don't say anything. One person did once and my wife was incredibly offended. I told her you're supposed to take one free sample and walk away, but she feels like if they're free, she should be able to have as many as she likes. We argue about this all the time. So we finally thought we would ask you to use this as a social dilemma so we could hear what other people think. Thanks so much Jaime. Love your show ~ Bill. I just love this. Because we've all been somewhere where the free samples were so good we wanted more and more. I have to admit though, I am too embarrassed to keep going back, but that doesn't mean I don't want to. What about you? Do you think it's okay for Bill's wife to eat many of the free samples, or should you stop at one? Please let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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