Social Dilemma-Do You Step On the Scale In Someone Else's Bathroom?

Today's social dilemma happened to me yesterday and I was so embarrassed by it I had to laugh at myself. And thankfully I have friends who will laugh with me. But I can't be the only person who's ever done this. Yesterday I had to have a minor surgical procedure. I had a cyst removed from my back. Not a huge deal but I couldn't drive myself so I had my wonderful friend Tammy take me. None the less, after the procedure, my friend decided to take me to her house for an hour or two just to make sure everything was okay. Anyway, I'm at her house, and all is fine, and I get up to use the bathroom. And right there is one of those brand new digital scales. Now every time I go to someone's house, and I use the bathroom if the scale is out, I step on it. Do you do this??? I can't be the only one. So anyway, I step on it, am unhappy with the reading, and get off. But my weight stays on the digital readout. And I'm thinking well, it will go away soon, but then I realized that it keeps a memory of your weight and it will pop up next time you get on the scale. So I'm doing everything I can to get that number off the scale. Ultimately, my friend heard the noise in the bathroom and asked what was going on. I opened the door and explained and we had a good laugh about it all. But c'mon, I can't be the only one who steps on a scale when they see it in a friend's place. Have you ever done this? Have you ever gotten caught like me? Do you think it's strange?? Let me know what you think on the TRY Facebook page.

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