Did You See The New Alladin Over the Weekend? It Was A Lot of Fun!

The new live action version of "Alladin" wont he box office over the weekend taking in over $100 million! I went to see it and I thought it was a whole lot of fun. I admit that I was skeptical because I love the animated version so much and as much as I love Will Smith, no one could ever replace Robin Williams, but it was really good. Will Smith didn't try to imitate Robin, he just did his own thing and we all know that Will's own thing is pretty good. The story is exactly the same with a couple of new songs thrown in, and all in all it was very enjoyable. Did you see it? What did you think? Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

The other movie I saw over the weekend was "Booksmart." This was completely different from Alladin but also really sweet and fun. It's about a couple of best girlfriends in high school who want to finish out their high school life with some adventure. I thought it was great and warm and it showed female friendships in the perfect way. I really enjoyed this one too. Did you see any movie over the weekend. Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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