Social Dilemma-Should Your Child Spend The Night In A Hotel on Prom Night?

Today's social dilemma came from an email I received from a woman, but she asked that I keep her anonymous, so we'll call her Barb. Here's the email. Hi Jaime, my husband and I are divided on something, and I could use some advice. Our daughter is a junior in high school. The boy she's dating is a senior. They're going to prom this weekend. The plan is pictures here, then prom, then an after party at a hotel. About 20 kids will be there. His mom says she'll be there too. Our daughter is invited to stay the night.I think this is perfectly OK. I trust our daughter to make good choices. My husband thinks it's a bad idea. He doesn't believe high school kids should be shacking up in a hotel, doing God-only-knows what.I think it's a good option. We've talked to our daughter about why she shouldn't drink, or be in the car with someone who has been drinking, and we've also talked to her about refraining from being sexually active. My husband thinks I'm just trying to be her friend and not a parent. My problem is I've already told our daughter she can stay at the hotel. My husband doesn't know this. I don't want to ruin her prom, but I don't want my husband thinking I've gone behind his back. She's a smart girl. She can handle herself. What should I do? Please keep me anonymous Thanks Jaime. Well, I have to say that a million years ago when I went to prom, we always went to a hotel for a party afterwards. Now I never stayed overnight, but I had plenty of friends that did. I think it comes down to whether you trust your kids or not. But that's just me. What do you think? Let's help "Barb" out. Let me know what you think on the TRY Facebook page.

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