An Open Letter to My Dad for Father's Day

Father's Day is this Sunday. I lost my dad 25 years ago. I would like to say that Father's Days get easier, but they don't. I'm reminded of the void. So I wanted to write a letter to my dad for Father's Day to honor him and celebrate him. I am even willing to post an embarrassing photo of me and my dad from my high school graduation. That's how much I love him :)

Happy Father's Day Dad. First up, I miss you. It's been too long since I've been able to get a kiss from you and to hear you ask me if I've checked the oil in my car. I want to thank you for some stuff that I never got a chance to thank you for when you were with me here instead of in heaven. Thank you for introducing me to baseball. I have a lifelong love of the game (and the Yankees) because of you. Thank you for calling me Winnie the Pooh. I'll never know why you gave me that nickname but you'll be happy to know that mom still calls me that so it has definitely stuck. Thank you for taking care of a family of seven on a blue collar job. I don't know how you did it, but I'm forever grateful for what we had and what we didn't have. You taught me to appreciate the smallest things, which let's face it, are the most important. Thank you for playing kickball in the yard with us. Thank you for letting me borrow your car when I was 17 and just wanted to go out and have fun. You trusted me, and to this day, I'm not sure you should have, but you did. Thank you for always singing around the house. The joy you got from singing transferred to me and I haven't stopped singing. I get it now. Thank you for letting me borrow money when I crashed my first car. And you didn't even get mad about it. Thank you for supporting my radio career. Thank you for showing me how a man should treat a women. You always treated mom with love and respect, and because of that I've made sure that's how every man treats me. I wish I had you in my life longer, but I'll take the time I had and look forward to the time we'll have again. I understand so much more about you now than I did when you were here. I can't wait to tell you that in person. Happy Father's Day Dad. I miss you, I love you and I'll talk with you later today, like I do every day. xo

And Happy Father's Day to all dads!

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