Social Dilemma-Would You Be With Someone Who Had Excessive Body Hair?

Today's social dilemma is certainly interesting, and one we have not talked about before. This is an email I received from Bill. Hi Jaime, I love listening to you and TRY every morning, and I really like the social dilemma. I have one of my own. Well I don't know if it is or not, but I'm hoping we can figure this out. I'm a 49 year old man who is recently divorced and dating. I've met a lovely woman who I really like and we've been dating for about two months now. We're taking things slow, if you know what I mean, so when we had some nice weather last week, it was the first time I realized that she doesn't shave her armpits. She had a tank top on. She looked great, but she just hadn't shaved. I didn't know if it was right to ask her about it so I didn't. But it bothered me. Really bothered me. I feel like I should bring it up because I do really enjoy her company, but I'm not sure if this is a deal breaker or not. Is it wrong that I'm so upset about this. For the record, she's very clean, smells great and I never would have known had she not had a tank top on. Is this a big deal? Do other women go unshaved? I guess this is a dilemma. I'll be listening every morning. Thanks ~ Bill. Hmmm, I don't think it's that big a deal. It wouldn't work for me because I'll be straight, I'm Italian, so someone might get lost if I hadn't gotten laser hair removal on my legs and underarms. But if the woman is cool with it, I don't think it should be a problem. I've dated men who had excessive hair and if you care for someone, it's not a big deal. But let's help Bill out. What do you think? Would this be a deal breaker? Do you shave your armpits? Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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