Social Dilemma-Must You Invite the Spouse of Your Friend to Your Wedding?

Today's social dilemma is really interesting. The email came from Valerie. This is what she wrote: Hi Jaime. I have a sensitive social dilemma and I'm hoping you can talk about it on the radio. I'm getting married in about eight months to a wonderful man. I love him so much. But his family is very closed minded. Here's why that's a problem. One of my best friends is gay and married to her wife. I'm much closer to my friend than her wife, but of course, I want them both at the wedding. However, my fiancee thinks it would be best to just invite my friend, and have her leave her wife at home. He thinks it will freak his parents out to see two women together on the dance floor. I don't think it's right to invite a person who is married and not invite their spouse, whether they're gay or straight. My fiancee thinks they'll understand, but I wouldn't and I don't think they will either. Should I push back on this, or just go with the flow? I really want both of them there. Afterall, my friend won't have a good time without her wife. Should I stand my ground or give in to his parents? I don't want to start the marriage with them upset, but this seems ridiculous. I hope you'll talk about this on the radio Jaime. I really could use help on this. Thank you ~ Valerie. Well, Valerie, personally I think you should invite your friend and her wife. I think it's the right thing to do, and it would be hurtful to them if you didn't. Plus it's what you want and it's your day. I think your fiancee's parents may not like it, but it's part of our world now. That's my opinion anyway. What do you think. Let me know at the TRY Facebook page.

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