Social Dilemma-If Someone Insults You, Is It Okay to Insult Them Back?

Today's social dilemma came from Jackson. It's interesting. This is what he wrote: Hi Jaime. I don't think I did anything wrong in this situation, but my family is freezing me out. I really hope you use this as a social dilemma. I recently went to a family reunion and saw many family members I haven’t seen in 4 years. In those four years I’ve gained around 50 pounds, which I am aware of. During that reunion I heard many comments like: “omg why are you so big now,” and I’d just laugh it off by saying “ha ha, food is just so good to pass up.” However, I had one cousin who kept on making jabs at my weight throughout the night. I was at my breaking point when she said to everyone: “Let me get my food first, Jackson might finish all the food,” and I responded with “at least I don’t cheat on my husband with anyone who gives me attention.” She started crying and everyone started telling me to apologize, and I’m sure everyone’s talking about me in their group chats. Everyone knew that she’s been cheating, since her husband is stationed in another state because he’s in the army, and it's common knowledge in the family that she's been messing around. Should I have to apologize to her after what she was saying about me?? I don't think I should and I don't understand why the family is taking her side. The whole thing really hurt my feelings but now I'm more mad than anything else. I can't wait to get feedback from you and everyone. I know I'm right. Thanks ~ Jackson I think Jackson was wrong because two wrongs don't make a right. Just because she was being so cruel doesn't mean he had to be. In those situations, I always say something like "Do you feel better about yourself when you're being cruel to me?" That usually shuts the insulter down because they don't know what to say and don't expect that. So I think he should apologize and so should she. What do you think? Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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