Which New NYS License Plate Do You Want? Or Do You Want A New One At All?

Apparently starting in mid-September, we're getting new license plates here in NYS. I like my old license plate. It's the blue and gold one, and it reminds me of the ones that were around back in the day. But apparently, the Governor feels like it's time for new ones. And we get to decide what the new plate should look like. You can see all five of the options above and you can even vote this week for your favorite. I still like my blue and gold one, but I guess if I had to change, I would go with the last one in the picture, mainly because it has Niagara Falls on it along with the Manhattan skyline. All the others seem to only represent NYC, and I like when more of the State is represented. So what do you think? Want a new plate? And which one would you like? Let me know on the TRY Facebook page

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