Have You Seen the Uplifting Billboards Around the Capital Region?

As I was driving down I-787 yesterday, I looked up and saw a digital billboard that state "You are enough today, You are enough everyday." My first instinct was to laugh at it to myself thinking I'm barely enough everyday. But then I thought about it. I don't know who exactly is paying for the billboards, if it's the billboard company, or someone else who wants to spread a message of positivity, but I really dig it! Today on my way into work at about 4:45. I saw one on I-90 that said, "Have you ever thought that difficult days have purpose too?" And I do think that. Sometimes you learn the most from the hardest days. And it's important to remember that while you're in the midst of one of those difficult days. I don't know who's paying to have them up there, but I like them. I'm a fan. Anything that can shine a bit more positivity on the all of us is a GREAT thing. So what do you think? Have you seen them? Do you like them? Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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