Social Dilemma-Is It Okay to Drink In Front of Your Kids?

Today's social dilemma came from Bonnie. Bonnie wrote an email telling us about her conflict with her parents, the grandparents of her children. This is what she wrote: Jaime my parents is driving me crazy, and I hope she'll hear how crazy her ideas are when she hears this on the radio. My mother doesn't want me drinking in front of my kids. She says she never drank in front of us because she thinks it sets a bad example. She and my dad believe the only time me and my husband should be able to drink is when the kids are in bed or if we are out. My mother thinks the kids will pick up the habit of drinking if they see us do it. Of course, I explained to my parents that even though they didn't drink in front of me, I still ended up drinking. I enjoy a good glass of wine and yes, I do drink it in front of the kids. I also think that if you hide things from kids, it makes them more curious about it. So I can't wait to hear what you think. Thanks Jaime. Let's help Bonnie out. What do you think? Okay to drink in front of kids or irresponsible? Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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