Did You See the Lifetime College Admissions Scandal Movie?

Over the weekend, Lifetime aired their movie based on the College Admissions Scandal, called, well, The College Admissions Scandal. Now keep in mind, there were not actresses playing Felicity Huffman or Lori Loughlin. I think Lifetime was afraid of a lawsuit if that happened. Instead they had characters that were clearly meant to be Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin. While it was campy with lots of overacting, there were some interesting parts of it. Mainly thinking of how all of this has affected their kids, who never asked for any of it. Or at least as far as we know didn't ask for any of it. Did you watch? What did you think? If you didn't see it Lifetime will air it a bunch of times this week, and you can always watch on the Lifetime Streaming app. Just head to mylifetime.com to watch at your leisure. If you did see it, let me know what you thought on the TRY Facebook page.

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