Today is National Mammogram Day!! Make An Appointment For Yours Now!

As we all know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. But what you may not know is that today is National Mammogram Day! It's so important in the fight against breast cancer that we all do our part in fighting the disease. My mother is a breast cancer survivor. I'm hyper aware that that makes me more likely to get breast cancer and because of that I do regular self breast exams. Here's the thing though, a lot of people think this is only about women. It's not. I have a friend who's dad passed away due to breast cancer. Breast cancer can affect both men and women and it's so important that we do our self exams and that we get our mammograms every year. Because I do my self exams, about two months ago, I found a lump in my breast. I was scared, but I knew what to do. I immediately called my doctor, who saw me right away, and then sent me for a digital mammogram and an ultrasound. And based on that, I was sent to the Breast Center at St. Peter's Hospital. Long story short, it ended up being nothing to worry about. But as each and every one of the health professionals told me along the way, it's so important to make sure we ALL do our self exams and get those yearly mammograms. Because the earlier you catch the illness, the easier it is to beat it!! So please if you don't have your mammogram scheduled, please make that appointment today. And men, please do your own self checks. We all need to be active in our own health care. It could save your life! And if you're fearful of a mammogram, read this, it will help ease your mind.

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