Social Dilemma-Is It Okay To Tell Someone Their Pants Are See-Through

Today's social dilemma came from Mark. He saw a story in the news about something that happened at a gym, and it was something that happened to him too and he couldn't believe what happened. Here's his email: Hi Jaime. My name is Mark and first off let me tell you that I'm very happily married, and I'm a nice guy. Really. I read a story in the news recently about something that happened at a gym and the same EXACT thing happened to me! A few weeks ago I was working out. I'm a normal sized guy, average looking. In my gym, there are mirrors all over the place. Well, as I was working out and looking in one of the mirrors, I see a woman behind me doing squats, and when she goes down, her entire backside becomes visible because her yoga pants are stretched over her behind so much that they go completely see-through. And I mean COMPLETELY! She might as well have had no pants on at all. So I'm figuring she doesn't realize how thin the pants get when she squats so I quietly went over to speak with her. Basically I said, "I know this sounds bad, but I feel like I have to say something...when you squat your pants stretch and go completely see through on your backside." I thought I was being helpful but she did not see it that way. Speaking as loudly as she could, she said, "you're such a pervent, stop looking at my behind (though she didn't say behind)" Everyone at the gym was staring at me so I continued my workout quietly and went home. When I told my wife, she said I was totally a jerk for saying that and she'd be really ticked off if someone did it to her. I thought I was being helpful. So help me out here. Was what I did wrong or right? Please use this as a dilemma Jaime. Thanks ~ Mark. WOW, well, I think that with everything that's going on in the world, we're all pretty sensitive to things, but honestly, if someone came up to me and told me that, I'd be grateful. I would think if he was really a pervert, he wouldn't say something because then he could continue looking. That's just me though. What do you think? Would this be creepy or okay if it happened to you. Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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