Social Dilemma-Are You Spraying or Wiping Down All Groceries with Lysol?

Today's social dilemma is one I think we're all having difficulty with and questioning. Here's Amanda's email: Hi Jaime and good morning. My name is Amanda and I hope all of your friends and family are healthy and safe. My husband and I are quarantined together and of course, will be for the foreseeable future. It's just us because our kids live in their own places. We haven’t seen them or our elderly parents or anyone for that matter besides the Amazon and grocery store delivery guys. When we receive packages, I have the delivery person leave them outside our door and I go out with gloves, spray everything down with Lysol then wipe down all cans and non-perishable food with antibacterial wipes. My husband thinks I’m overdoing it and that I’m going to accidentally poison us with the Lysol. I feel like you can’t be too safe with this stuff. What do you think? Am I overreacting or just being thorough, I don’t want to waste wipes and Lysol if I don’t have too. Thanks so much Jaime ~ Amanda Well, I don''t know what's right and what's wrong, but I'm pretty much doing what Amanda is doing. I Lysol things, I wipe down all boxes and non perishables. Fresh fruit and veges I leave in the cold garage for 24 hours. I'm just trying to stay safe. So maybe it is going overboard, but it makes me feel better. What do you think? Are you more like Amanda's husband or more like Amanda? How do you handle this situation in your home? Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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