Tri-City ValleyCats Virtual National Anthem Tryouts

Your Chance To Perform At The Joe!

This Spring, 98.3 TRY, the Tri-City ValleyCats & Crossgates will host the National Anthem Tryouts audition contest online!

This is your chance to perform at a premier ValleyCats game at Joseph L. Bruno Stadium this Summer!

Fans can submit an unedited video HERE until April 14, 2020.

Video submissions should be no longer than 90 seconds & is open to all soloists, groups & instrumentalists of any age. We encourage all groups to utilize a group video conference service to record, please be sure to follow social distance directives.

The top 3 finalists' videos will be shared online on April 20, 2020. Fans will be invited to vote for their favorite performance, with the top vote recipient receiving the opportunity to sing at a premiere ValleyCats game at Joseph L. Bruno Stadium this Summer.

Click here for all the National Anthem Tryouts details.

The ValleyCats 2020 home opener is currently scheduled for Wednesday, June 24, 2020 as the 19th season of Minor League Baseball begins at Joseph L. Bruno Stadium in Troy.

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