Social Dilemma-Do You Eat or Throw Away The Ends of the Bread?

Today's 98.3 TRY social dilemma came from Vicki. It's kind of simple, but I bet it's one we all have an opinion on. This is her email: Hi Jaime, I'm writing because I had a bit of a disagreement with a neighbor over the weekend. Several of us were at my friend Carnie's house. She decided to make sandwiches for everyone which was so nice. Just regular old BLT's. Well when I got my sandwich, the piece of bread that was used for one side was the end of the bread. I jokingly (but also kind of seriously) said, why is the end of the bread on my sandwich, everyone knows you either throw that away or throw it outside for the squirrels. Carnie said she and her family always eat the end piece. I said it's like a giant piece of crust, who want's that? We laughed about it, and I ate the sandwich, because I was grateful she offered it to me in the first place. It was just interesting to me that someone would actually use the end piece for a sandwich. But it made me wonder, do you use the end pieces? Do a lot of people? I hope you'll ask this question Jaime. Thanks ~ Vicki. Well, I'm with Vicki on this one. In my house, we don't eat the ends of the bread, but we do put them out for squirrels. I also think the end piece is like the crust, and I'm not a big crust person. So what about you? Do you eat the end pieces of the bread, or do you pass them along to the animals? Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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