Halloween Will NOT Be Cancelled In NYS! Trick or Treating Will Go On

There had been a lot of speculation that Halloween, or trick or treating specifically, might be cancelled in NYS. Governor Cuomo put those rumors to rest yesterday during a radio interview Basically he said that the State will be releasing guidelines on how to safely trick or treat this year with Covid. The Governor said "If you want to go for a walk with your child through the neighborhood, I'm not going to tell you you can't take your child to the neighborhood, I'll give you my advice and guidance and then you will make a decision about what you do that night." There are other states that are thinking bout banning trick or treating due to Covid, and in fact, Los Angeles County had canceled it but then changed their decision just recommending that all families stay home without a definitive ban. So what do you think? Can trick or treating be safe? I think so. I think it comes down to all costumes having masks, and all of us who answer the door being masked up. Enough has been taken from children this year, let's find a safe way to allow them to enjoy Halloween. It sounds like that's what's going to happen in NYS and I'm glad to hear it.

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