Social Dilemma-If A Woman Asks Out A Man On a Date, Does She Have to Pay?

Today's TRY Social Dilemma has to do with dating. Here's the email: Good morning Jaime my name is Lila and I listen all the time. So I’m emailing you because I asked out a guy who I work with that I have a huge crush on and he said YES! My question is: if I asked him out should I pay for the date? Or does tradition stand and he pays for the date? Dating in the time of Covid is hard enough, but I’ve never gone Dutch on a date before. I was married for 21 years, and since I've been divorced, every guy has asked me out and paid for the date so I’m really lost here. Also, since I asked him do I have to plan the entire date? Or wait to see if he plans one? Should I ask him or just make the plans and plan on paying? Help please ~ Lila Well, I respect Lila for even asking out the guy she has a crush on. I think that's great. But I say if you ask out the person, you pay, and you plan the date. Especially in the time of Covid. You probably want to do something outside, or if you're going to dinner you want to be the one to plan it all out. That's my opinion anyway. What do you think? Should Lila be responsible for all of it, or should the guy she asked out have some input (and split the bill) too. Let me know what you think on the TRY Facebook page.

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