Social Dilemma-Guys Love Sneakers, Women Love Shoes: Is it The Same?

Interesting TRY Social Dilemma today. Check this out. Good morning Jaime, my name is Frankie and I’m emailing you this morning so I can get a little perspective from other people. I love sneakers and own 35 pairs right now, which drives my wife crazy. She doesn’t understand how I could have the same style in 5 different colors or 10 pairs of say white sneakers. I tell her it’s the same as her shoe fetish, she has probably 10 pairs of black shoes and I never complain to her about it. What’s the difference? She has probably 50 pairs of shoes and boots plus several pairs of slippers that I’m not counting. But I buy a new pair of Adidas running shoes she’ll freak out because I already have a pair of running shoes. It’s the same thing as her having 3 pairs of Uggs or two pairs of high leather boots right? I mean what makes me so different from her? Thanks ~ Frankie I don't think there's any difference. If Frankie loves his sneakers and they can afford to buy them, go for it. And if she wants 50 pairs of shoes and can afford to buy them, God bless. I back Frankie 100% What do you think? Is it different for men and women? Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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