How Are You Handling Halloween and Giving Out Candy?

I thought maybe we could all help each other out with this question. I'm not quite sure how to handle Halloween this year. I want to make sure kids get the candy they deserve. Halloween is a favorite holiday for kids. Who doesn't love walking around from house to house and getting free candy, right? Unfortunately with Covid this year, it's not so easy. The CDC says trick-or-treating is not recommended, but let's face it, we know kids will go out. And I want to make sure they get their stuff. But how? I'm not so sure I want to open the door every three minutes to new kids, exposing myself (and more importantly, my 90 year old mom), and exposing the kids to a Covid risk. So are you just putting a big bowl outside your door with candy? (I'm not really a fan of that for two reasons. Kids reaching in is a way to spread germs, plus kids will tend to take more than one piece, leaving none for the kids that come later). Will you ask kids to stay back while you kind of lob the candy into their bags? Someone I know is literally building a tube to drop the candy into so that it comes out the other side at more than six feet away. So let's m

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