NY's Plastic Bag Ban Goes Into Full Effect Starting Today!

I know the plastic bag ban has been confusing ever since Covid hit. The plastic bag ban went into effect literally just as Covid was starting. So over the course of the last seven months, grocery stores have still used plastic bags to pack your stuff. Well as of today, that is all over. The new rules have been put in place and here they are. First off, grocery stores will no longer be able to use plastic bags with the exception of fresh vegetables and meat. Secondly, you CAN bring your reusable bags into the store and the cashiers will use them to bag your groceries (for a while you couldn't bring them in and if you did the cashiers wouldn't touch them. Not anymore). And lastly, if you forget or don't have any reusable bags, most grocery stores are offering paper bags for the cost of a nickel a piece. I ended up paying 25 cents yesterday for paper bags because I still wasn't sure if I could bring in my own bags. You can! So no more plastic, bring in your reusable bags, and if you don't have them, pay five cents for each paper bag you use. And please don't give grocery stores a hard time about this. If they get caught handing out paper bags, they can actually be fined. We don't want that!

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