Where Are You In the Vaccine Line? You Can Get An Estimate!

Well by now we all know that it won't be long before shipments of the Covid-19 Vaccine are sent here to New York State. Obviously though there won't be enough for everyone at first. Here in NYS, it's already been determined that Nursing home residents, nursing home staff and high risk medical professionals will be first in line. After that all health care workers, then high risk people, etc. But where do you fall in line?? The NY Times has put together a tool that estimates your "spot" in line for the vaccine depending on where you live, how old you are, what you do for a living and whether or not you have any health risks. Again, this is just an estimate and it doesn't guarantee anything, but it's interesting to see where you might fall in line. Want to see where you land? Just click here to fill out the form and find out where your place in line is.

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