Social Dilemma-Is Having A TV In Your Bedroom Bad for You?

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Angela and it's about TV. Here goes. Hi Jaime, I found out recently that my husband and I are the only couple that we know who do not have a TV in the bedroom. Both of us can't sleep with any light or noise, so it's a no-brainer for us. But every couple we know has a TV in the bedroom and they look at us like we're the weird ones. I just read an article that says watching TV before bed is really bad for you when it comes to fallling asleep. Do you have a TV in the bedroom? How do you even sleep? Hope you can use this as your social dilemma. Thanks Jaime, and hope you have a good day - Angela. Well, if you're asking me the answer is a definitive YES!!! I would not survive without a TV in my bedroom. Now keep in mind, I don't like any light or noise either, but that just means I turn it off when I'm done and off to sleep I go. But because of my hours, sometimes I watch TV in bed before I go to sleep. It doesn't keep me awake usually, unless it's something really compelling, so I love having it there. A lot of my friends think it's wrong to have the TV in the bedroom because it keeps them from talking to their spouse. That doesn't happen for us. So I ask you...are you a TV in the bedroom person, or a no way to a TV person.  Let's help Angela out! Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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