Will You Try the New Candy Kraft Mac and Cheese?!?

I'm no so sure this is something I can get behind. We've all had Kraft Macaroni and Cheese over the course of our lives. We've all fed it to our kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, etc. It's a staple in many houses. But now Kraft is coming out with a new flavor of Mac and Cheese in time for Valentine's Day and I'm just not feeling it. It's called Candy Kraft Mac & Cheese. Apparently it will still have the same cheesy flavor to start, but it will also include a candy flavor packet that will turn the mac and cheese pink and give it hints of sweet candy flavor. Now if it was only food coloring to make it pink, I could get behind that. It would be fun. But candy flavor?!?! In my mac and cheese?!?!? Nope, not for me. What about you? Will you give it a try?

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