A Classic, Iconic Film is Being Remade and Many People are Unhappy About It

A lot of people consider "The Wizard of Oz" one of those movies that you just shouldn't touch. Well, consider it touched. I, along with many others, are upset about this! There's a remake in the works.of The Wizard of Oz, but they're calling it a "fresh take." Nicole Kassell of "Watchmen" fame is directing, and she says, quote, "I am exhilarated and humbled by the responsibility of re-imagining such a legendary tale. "These are profoundly iconic shoes to fill, and I am eager to dance alongside these heroes of my childhood as we pave a newly minted yellow brick road!" I'm sure she has good intentions, but does this movie really need to be made? I mean we've seen other stories based on the Wizard of Oz before. The Broadway shows The Wiz and Wicked. But c'mon, don't just do a remake of the Wizard of Oz. I say leave it alone. What do you think?

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