Meet Sadie Mae, Our Adorable Pet of the Week Pup From MHHS!

We have such a beautiful girl from the Mohawk Hudson Humane Society as our Pet of the Week. Sadie Mae is a 4-year-old shepherd mix. Sadie girl came to MHHS as a stray. She is so sweet and loves to be cuddled by her humans! She has lots of energy and love to play. She can be nervous in new situations, so she would prefer a home with older kids or an adult-only home. She also is not a fan of other dogs, so she would love to be your one and only. But honestly, she is the perfect-sized girl to play with, go on adventures with, and then curl up on the couch. Her smile will melt your heart!. To find out more about sweet Sadie Mae or to adopt her, just contact our friends at the Mohawk Hudson Humane Society by clicking here.

Also with the weather being as cold as it's been and will continue to be, The Mohawk Hudson Humane society recommends that you keep your dogs and cats indoors. Obviously your dog has to go out to do his or her business, but then bring them in quickly. Even though they have fur coats, they're not made for this kind of weather. And cats should be in all the time, even if they are sometime outdoor cats, this weather is too cold for them.

And don't forget, the Mohawk Hudson Humane Society is always in need of our help. With the world being what it is right now, the Food Pantry is so important because it allows people who can't afford to buy the food to still feed their pets and keep them in the home. If you can, please donate dry cat and dry dog food to the pantry. Find out how by clicking here.

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