Social Dilemma-When You Shower at Night, Do You Put on Deodorant?

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma is one I can relate to. Here's the email: Hi Jaime. I have a real quick social dilemma for you. I know you've talked about showering before and some who shower in the morning and others who shower at night. My question is this, for those that shower at night, do you put on deodorant before you go to bed, or do you just go to bed? I ask because I do not, but I know others that do and they say it’s because they sweat when they're sleeping. So are you really still clean in the morning if you don't? I shower at night and I like that I don’t have to put on deodorant. I feel completely clean and I put on the deodorant when I get up in the morning. What about you? Thanks Jaime. Can't wait to hear what people think and do. ~ Camie. I love this email because I too shower at night. And yes, I put on deodorant and then put on my pajamas. Saying it out loud makes it sound weird but I don't think it is. So that's my take . Yes, put on the deodorant if you shower at night. What do you think? Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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