Social Dilemma - Would You Say Something If Your Coworker Spanked Her Kid?

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma is a sad one. Here's the email from Tanya. Hi Jaime. I have an upsetting dilemma and my coworkers and I have been discussing this since it happened. We were all on a zoom meeting with another colleague of ours. While the meeting was going on, she said she had to take care of something at home so she was going to mute her microphone and cut her video for a minute. Well, she muted her mic, but her video was still on. We all saw her spanking her eight year old daughter. It was a hard spank. We couldn't hear the conversation, but it felt so wrong. She came back on the call, and said nothing about it. We finished up our meeting and signed off. But after that meeting several of us got back online to discuss what we should do. We've never known this woman to be an angry person. It seemed so out of character, but it still was wrong in our eyes. Should we call Child Protective? Should we bring it up with her so she can explain? We didn't want to do anything to put the child in harms way. What do you think? We're hoping for some good advice. Thanks Jaime ~ Tanya Well this is serious and a difficult dilemma. I think if it was me, I would bring it up to her first. What do you think? What would you do in this situation? Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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