Social Dilemma-Should You Have To Take A Pay Cut To Keep Working From Home?

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma is about heading back to work now that things are getting a little better. I'm not sure this is a fair option though. Here's the email: Hey Jaime...Good morning, my name is Andrew and I’m a fan of your show. I started listening to you last year when my job went remote and I started working from home. That’s why I’m writing to you today. My job just started asking people to come back into the office if they are fully vaccinated. I’m not but figure I will be by the summer. I really love working from home and don’t want to go back to the office, and to be honest I feel like I get a lot more done from home then I ever did in my cubical. So now my company is offering some of us the opportunity to continue to working from home if we're willing to take a pay cut. Not a big one, but still a pay cut. The company is trying to save money and build back now. Do you think it's fair of them to ask those of us who want to work from home to get paid less? It's tough decision for me, and I'm not sure what to do. Should I fight them on this? Should I just take the pay cut, or should I go back into the office? What would you do? Thanks so much Jaime. Looking forward to the great advice i always hear every morning. Take care ~ Andrew Well, I would definitely talk to the boss about the pay cut. I feel like you're basically paying to continue to work from home. Is that fair? Would you do it? I wouldn't. I like coming into work. What about you? Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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