Social Dilemma-Would You Let Your Niece Cut Your Hair If She Was Bad At It?

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma is an interesting one. How far do you go to help a child in your life. Here's the email: Good morning Jaime my name is Mac and I’m a really big fan of the show and need a little advice this morning if you have a few minutes? So I’m 55 and recently single after being married for 15 years. I have no kids and my 19-year-old niece is like a daughter to me. She stays with me all the time and she’s like the daughter I’ve never had. Anyways she’s in school to be a hairdresser and I’m sure she’ll be great at it when she’s done. She has these little hair mannequins that she practices on but to be honest their haircuts don’t look very good. Well now she wants to practice on me! She keeps begging to give me a haircut and as much as I love her, I really don’t want her to destroy my hair. It’s tough enough dating right now, the last thing I need is a hack job on my head. I keep blowing her off. How do I tell her I really don’t want her to cut my hair without destroying her confidence or should I just suck it up and let her do it? Help me out please. Thanks so much ~ Uncle Mac Hmmm, I understand how Mac feels, but for me, I would let my niece practice on me. It's just hair and it grows back plus it would make a great story for whomever he met. But that's just me. What do you think? Would you let her practice on you, or would you just be straight with her about wanting to wait while you were dating? Let's help Mac out and let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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