Social Dilemma-Do You Send A Gift to A Wedding You're Disinvited To?

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Rick. It's a wedding gift situation. Here's the deal: Hey Jaime, I have a real social dilemma. My nephew is getting married in May. A big wedding was planned with 300 people but obviously that's not going to happen now. My wife and I were of course invited, but now have been disinvited since they're only having 30 people instead of 300. They do plan on having another reception as soon as Covid rules allow and then all 300 people, us included will be invited to that. Here's the dilemma. Do we send a gift in May, when they're actually getting married, or do we wait for the reception that we'll be invited to later this year or next year? We just want to do the right thing by my nephew, but we don't know if that means we should wait or we should give them their gift now? Can you help? Thanks so much Jaime ~ Rick. Well, I agree, that is a tough call. On the one hand, you want to send it now so the newly married couple can have the gift, but on the other hand, you don't want to be the only person walking into the reception when it happens with no gift at all. I think I would wait until the reception. Unless they are in desperate need of money, and since they were going to have a big wedding, it doesn't sound like they are. So I would wait. What do you think Rick and his wife should do? Let's help them out. Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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