Say Goodbye to the Troy Atrium; Hello to Apartments and Retail Space!

I have to say, I felt a little sad when I heard this story last night. As a person who was born and raised in Troy, I remember when the then Uncle Sam Atrium opened up. I was so excited. A place to shop in downtown. I could take the "city bus" and have some fun! Then I got one of my first jobs there, as an employee of the Uncle Sam Cinema 1 and 2. Besides radio, it was my favorite job because I LOVED movies and being able to see them for free was fantastic! Sure you had to scoop cups and cups and cups of popcorn and pour lots of soda, but it was worth it. I met some lifelong friends there. You know how it is when you're 17-18...everything has so much importance. We would all hang out together, watch movies together after the theater closed and just have fun. So because of those wonderful times that live in my memory, I am sad to see the Atrium go away. However, I am a firm believer that we are meant to move forward, not backward, so while I took some time last night to reminisce with friends about our wild and misspent youth, it is time to move forward. So I'm looking forward to the new building that will come in place of the Atrium. Apparently it will house 60 apartments, have a parking garage and some retail space. It will be six stories instead of the Atrium's two. As I said, having been born and raised in Troy, I only want the best for the City! So hopefully this will help continue bringing the city back to life. We have so many great restaurants and retail shops, and this will only add to it all. So forward we march, with just one step in past and a toast to the Uncle Sam Atrium and all it did for me back in the day!

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