Social Dilemma-Is It Okay for A Man To Cry After His Boss Yelled at Him?

Today's TRY Social Dilemma came from Carly. It's interesting. Here's her email: Hi Jaime. I have kind of a dilemma. I'm about to marry my second husband. We're both widowed, and we're looking forward to spending our lives together...our second act. He's a very sensitive man, which I love. But sometimes I think he's too sensitive. His boss yelled at him the other day, and he actually came home and cried about it to me. Now we've all had rough days at work, but the fact that he cried about it tells me maybe he is too sensitive. I asked him if he was depressed. He said no, he was just upset. He cried it out and felt better. I feel like that's more what women do than men. In the moment I was a little less attracted to him. I'm not proud of that but it's the truth. I feel like I want him to be sensitive but crying over the boss seemed too far. I didn't say that to him but it is how I feel. Would you feel that way too? Am I wrong? I'll be listening. Thanks Jaime ~ Carly. Wow...well, I think crying is for everyone, and if his boss really upset him, then cry away. First we want sensitive men, then it's too sensitive. I say he gets to decide that and I like that he had a good cry and then felt better. I do that too. What do you think? Is it less masculine if a guy cries about work? Let me know what you think on the TRY Facebook page.

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