Social Dilemma-Do You Have to Pay If You Visit a Friend's Vacation Rental?

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Evvy. It's about visiting a friend on vacation. Here's her email. Hi Jaime. I have a real dilemma for you. A few weeks ago a friend of mine went away on vacation with her husband and two older kids. They rented a lovely house on the beach. Anyway, at one point, she invited to come for a few days to visit while they were there. I originally wasn't going to go but with the summer we've had, I thought being at the ocean would be nice! Anyway, there were staying there for two weeks. I went and visited for three days. When I was leaving, they told me that I owed them $330 for the three nights that I had stayed. I was shocked. They never mentioned money before, and they were going to be there anyway. I never would have gone if I knew I would have to pay them. I told them I'd take care of them when we got home, and she said fine, and I left. As soon as they returned from vacation, I got a note from them asking for the money. It was written in a very nice way, but I was still shocked, so I left a check in their mailbox and haven't spoken to them since. Do you think this is normal? If you invited someone to visit you on vacation, would you expect them to pay? I've never heard of this, so I thought I'd get your take on it. Thanks so much Jaime ~ Evvy. Well, as someone who has had people visit me on vacation, and as someone who has visited others on vacation, I have NEVER asked anyone to pay and not one of my friends has EVER asked me to pay. I can't believe this. Am I alone in this? I mean, If they told Evvy ahead of time, she wouldn't have gone. I think it's a little crazy. What do you think? Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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