Social Dilemma-Do You Name Your Car? Have You Ever?

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Colleen. It's about cars. Here's her email: Hi Jaime. I have a simple dilemma. Do you name your cars? I ask because I always have, and I have one friend who constantly mocks me for it. She says it's kind of crazy to name a car. But I have always done it from my first car to the car I own now 35 years later. So like I said, more people name their cars or not. Thanks Jaime ~ Colleen. I just love this. I will say that I did name my very first car. It was a metallic blue Chevy Camaro, used of course, but I named it Hugo because the first three letters of the license place were HGO. So for the five years I owned that car, it was Hugo. But, I have never named a car after that. I sometimes say "she" when referring to my cars but never a name. So what about you? Do you name your cars? Have you ever? Let's help Colleen and her friend out. Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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