Social Dilemma-Is It Okay To Moan Out Loud When You Eat Delicious Food?

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from MaryBeth. She gets embarrassed when she goes out to eat with her sister. Here's her email: Hi Jaime. My sister and I have a social dilemma. I love my sister and I'm lucky that she lives nearby and we can see each other all the time. However, there is something she does that makes me crazy and embarrasses me. She thinks it's normal. I think it's incredibly inappropriate. Here's the deal. My sister moans out loud when she eats delicious food. And it's not a small little sound. It starts out loud and then sometimes even sounds a little well, how can I say this....intimate if you know what I mean. I ALWAYS end up embarrassed when we go out to eat. She says I'm making too much of nothing and that plenty of people make noise when they eat, and that most people don't even hear it. Trust me, people hear it when she moans. Am I overreacting or should she tone it down. Don't you think it's inappropriate to moan like that in public? Thanks Jaime Love listening everyday ~ MaryBeth. Well, I've been known to make a noise or two when I take a bite of some good food, but it doesn't usually last the entire meal. LOL. But I know that some people really get into their food. So if you want to moan, moan away. But that's just my take. What do you think? Is it okay to make noises when you're eating delicious food? Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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