Social D-Should You Pay Rent If You're Staying With A Friend For a Month?

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Paul, and it's about staying with a friend. Here's his email: Hi Jaime. I have a dilemma for you. I'm recently divorced. Since my now ex-wife has moved out of the house, I'm having some renovations done that I've always wanted to do. It's only going to take about a month. I'm going to be staying with a friend while it all goes on. I was excited to get to spend more time with him, until he said he expected me to pay half way on bills while I stay there. He said it's only fair since I'll be living there for a month. He expects me to help out with rent, water, electric and groceries. I understand helping with groceries, but I am just staying there for a month. I don't think it's necessary to pay for rent, water and electric. I have no one else to stay with, and I feel really stuck right now. What would you do? ~ Paul Well, I feel like Paul is in a tough position. Do I think it's fair that his "friend" is making him pay for rent, electric, etc. - No, but what is the alternative. Staying at a hotel would cost more. I do think it's fair to pay half for groceries, and maybe chip in a little bit more. I think Paul should have a sit down with his buddy and try to work it out so there aren't lasting negative feelings. What do you think? Is Paul's friend being fair, or is he taking advantage? Let me know on the TRY Facebook page.

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