Has This Ever Happened To You Because It Happened To Me This Morning!

Okay something happened to me early this morning while I was sleeping and I'm just wondering if this has ever happened to you. I was sleeping (I think) and suddenly I heard someone call my name clear as day...JAIME. So I woke up and said "What? What?" Nothing! There was no one anywhere to be found. But I heard my name so clearly. It woke me up for me to answer. I laid in bed trying to figure out what the heck had just happened. I'm a pretty spiritual person so at first I was thinking, was my brother or father (both whom have passed) trying to say something to me. It was all so clear I just couldn't figure it out. Of course, while I was laying there trying to find meaning in this, my alarm rang and it was time to get up, but I can't stop thinking about it. Has this ever happened to you? If so, did it mean anything? Or was it just a strange thing that happened and that was that? I can't stop thinking about it. Please let me know what you think on the TRY Facebook page.

Photo: Getty Images

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