Social D-Is It Okay to Bring Canned Cranberry Sauce to The Family T'Giving?

Today's social dilemma came from Beth. It's about Thanksgiving dinner: Hey Jaime, I'm hoping you and your dilemma can help us settle a little bit of a family argument over Thanksgiving dinner this year. My son recently got married to a lovely woman. We are truly one big happy family. Usually we have Thanksgiving at my house, but since my son and his wife just bought a new house they decided they wanted to have everything over there. I have no problem with that, and even offered to help in any way that I could. There is one minor issue though. The cranberry sauce. Apparently my new daughter-in-law has a great recipe for cranberry sauce, but the truth is, I like the cranberry sauce that comes from a can. It's what I've always served at my house and no one ever had a problem with it. It's tradition. However, when I told my son that I would still be bringing the canned cranberry sauce so I could have it, he said it would be rude since his new wife is making the fresh kind. I explained to him that it's my favorite and he basically told me to suck it up this year. I don't want to offend anyone, but I also should be able to still eat what I consider to be one of the best parts of the meal. So will it be insulting to her if I still buy my canned cranberries and bring them over or do I have to eat the fresh, even though I don't like it? I don't want to be rude, but hey it's my holiday too. Thanks for your help Jaime ~ Beth. I get this completely. If we didn't have canned cranberry sauce on Thanksgiving it would feel wrong. It's what I grew up with. I'm not even a huge fan of cranberry sauce, but I still have to have the canned stuff every year. So I'm with Beth on this. I don't think it's rude and I think her son should explain it to his wife. But that's just me. What do you think? Let me know on the TRY Facebook page. 

Photo: Getty Images

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