Social Dilemma-Who Gets the Extra Gift Card? Keep it Or Give It Away?

Today's 98.3 TRY Social Dilemma came from Nancy and it's about gift cards. Here's her email: Hi Jaime. My husband and I bought gift cards at a chain restaurant recently for gifts. If you buy a certain amount of gift cards you get $10 gift card for free. I say we should give that extra $10 one along with the real gift certificate to the person we're gifting. My husband said no way, we should keep the $10 one because that is want you are meant to do. That's why certain stores and restaurants do that. I think he's wrong. What do you think?  ~ Nancy Hmm, well, I agree with Nancy's husband that the reason stores and restaurants give you that extra 10 or 20 bucks in gift cards is so that you can use them yourself while giving a nice gift to someone else. But I think Nancy is definitely the kinder person wanting to give the extra as part of the gift. So honestly, I would probably keep the extra $10 gift card, but I think Nancy is the better person for wanting to give it away. What do you think? Let's help Nancy and her husband out on the TRY Facebook page.

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