General Hospital Just Killed Off Luke....Though It Was Offscreen!

Could it be true? Did General Hospital really kill off it's most iconic character?!?! And for that matter, did they do it offscreen!?!?? Apparently the answer, at this point, is yes. Now keep in mind that I haven't watched General Hospital since the 90's, but when I hear news that concerns Luke and Laura, I must know what's going on. On Monday's show, we found out from Luke's widow, Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliott) that Luke (Anthony Geary) had been killed in a cable car accident in Austria. Of course, she told this to the person Luke should have always been with, Laura (Genie Francis). Now keep in mind that Anthony Geary as Luke has not been on the show since 2015, but his character was still alive and well and mentioned often. So if Luke really dead??? Would they have really killed this iconic character offscreen?? Personally I don't believe it. Especially since it was later implied that Victor Cassadine was behind the accident. And we all know that no one really ever dies on a soap opera. So my guess. This is just the start of a story that will ultimately bring Luke (Anthony Geary) back to Port Charles and General Hospital. Who knows? Maybe he'll even reunite with his true eternal flame, Laura. We'll have to wait and see. Like I said, I haven't watched the show in years, but let's face it, back in the 80's it was all Luke and Laura. They were even on the cover of Time and Newsweek. So when I hear news of them, I'm still interested. What do you think?

Photo: Getty Images

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